Dear readers, |
"Thank you so much for providing such an important information and resource tool to all of us."
Florida, USA
"Thanks for all the great work you do to keep israeli dancing global and accessible to everyone everywhere!"
Maryland, USA
"Thank you so much for your fantastic website."
Dayton, Ohio, USA
"Fantastic website."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
"Sensational resource. Todah rabah!"
Angeles, California, USA
"I LOVE your site and appreciate all the work that you put into it. Kol hakavod!"
Winnipeg, Canada
"Thanks for all your work that enriches the Israeli dance community
Your website is a great resource for so many people.
I really
appreciate your time, your effort and your great results!"
Florida, USA
web is a dignity to Israeli Dance & Songs.
Kol Hakavod."
"Just wanted to say that I think your web site is truly the most informative
and rich,
with all sorts of data and facts. Keep up the good work."
"I use your dance and song websites often to help me.
So, thank you for making my life easier!
All of you should feel great for the different publicly-accessible resources
that you provide."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
"I’ve been
a religious user of your site for several years it seems.
I love your site and use it often.
Most commonly I use the database for various purposes
and also Hebrew songs dot com for translation of Hebrew lyrics into English.
Thanks again!"
San Antonio, Texas, USA
"I live in Germany,
and I have been dancing Israeli dances for 4 years.
I like the Australian Israeli dance site very much
and often have a look at the Hebrew Songs and Israeli Dance sites
to find a new dance we are dancing."
want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your website.
I discovered it by accident when I was searching for the words to a hebrew
and when I typed in the name of the song,
up popped israelidanceaustralia and the link to hebrewsongs.
I have been telling all my fellow dancers about your site.
I visit several times a week, there is so much to read."
Island, New York, USA
comprehensive folk dance list is AWESOME!!!
What a tremendous amount of work you all put into
this fabulous list and your wonderful website!
Thank you so much from all the folk dancers around the world.
Again, many thanks for such a great resource for us!"
Boston, Massachusetts,
"I really
enjoyed looking through your site.
It is a tremendous database and easy to navigate."
Angeles, California, USA
"Your website
is awesome!! Keep up the good work."
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
More feedback to our sites
Hebrew Songs.com Jewish Australia.com
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Download Israeli Karaoke Find your favourite Israeli singers and download Karaoke backing tracks to their songs! |
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Israeli dancing worldwide as broadcast on Israeli TV: Dancers in Florida with Maor Ben Ami |
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Report from the United States about Chunky Move's performance of "I want to dance better at parties" in Massachussetts, USA in July 2007. |
"I bought 8 tickets for this performance back in March because it mentioned Israeli Folk Dancing. Chunky Move were going to be performing at Jacob’s Pillow in a resort area in Western Massachusetts called the Berkshires. When I looked a little further into the description of the performance I saw that it mentioned Jack Steel and “the database”. Then I googled Jack Steel and Chunky Move and discovered that they would be performing Debka Gid by Moshe Eskayo. Moshe had actually just re-taught Debka Gid at Sababa recently! |
Linda Feigenbaum |
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Enjoy some of the stories behind the creative process "Creating the dance" |
Read about our sister site Hebrew Songs.com on the Jerusalem Post website | |
Dance Your Way To A Better Body Article from Medical News Today Many thanks to Les Posen of the Rikud Chat list for the article |
Read about Ira Weisburd's 25-year quest for the original recording to his dance "Bo'i Malka" | |
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Fred Berk, Amnon Shauli, Ya'akov Dekel, Shmuel (Viki) Cohen Go to our ARTICLES page |
Read a report from the 2006 Karmiel Festival, great details and info! Click here |
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Report from Karmiel Summer Course - August 2, 2009 |
Update from Lorraine & Abe Basist from Melbourne Australia, on their first experience of the Karmiel Teachers Course in Israel. | |
We 've started our Teachers course & it is full on. No time for anything but dancing ,eating & maybe 2 hours sleep. It is crazy!!! We went to a Harkada with Gadi Bitton where there were 1000 dancers [that is a small estimate probably more] It was amazing!!! Wonderful dancers & many choreographers I could not keep track of them all. It was such a buzz to dance in the middle with so many other dancers & choreographers. This was amazing from 8pm till 6am the next day. They dance like meshugeners & we were among them! We stayed till 2.30am & the bus took us from this venue on the long drive to Karmiel arriving at 5.30 am. We had a little sleep & then went to bed till we got up to have breakfast at midday. I still haven't recovered! We went to another Harkada at Haifa beach last night with Oren Ashkenazi. We have another session today with drumming & choreographers. I'm tired but it really is wonderful & we are enjoying it so much we cannot express. All of us Aussies are having a ball. We will be in a performance tomorrow that will be judged by choreographers[our own troup]. This is exciting to be part of!!! |
Background: My name is Debbie Dorsky Meitin. I had the privilege of attending the Summer Course for Teachers and Dancers of the Karmiel Dance Festival last Summer (2008) and will be attending again next month (July 27-August 7, 2009). It was an incredible experience, being part of an international mix of people who love Israel and Israeli dance. It is a unique opportunity to learn from the choreographers and be part of the excitement of Israeli dance and culture while in Israel. |
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Celebrating Purim 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia |
A message from the very creative Israeli Dances Atlanta Dancing committee |
This year we will celebrate Purim by hailing the country of Israel as the melting pot of so many nationalities. The idea is to do an individual root search (use "Shorasim" for the warm up) and see who your ancestors are. Once you figure it out, come to the Sunday dancing session dressed in an appropriate costume. Well, maybe not in full costume; let's say your grandparents came originally from Iraq, you do not have to have a full costume of Sadam Hussein; a thick fake mustache will do. :) |
To help you decide and to provide you with some inspiration, here's a famous clip of Arik Einstein and Uri Zohar (the latter in his atheist phase prior to becoming a rabbi). In case your Hebrew is not as strong as your dancing skills, don't worry about it, as the wording in the clip is mainly gibberish. Just watch the waves of immigrants coming to Israel from various countries to become one nation. The immigrants seem to be integrating extremely fast, as it takes about 10 seconds for the last wave coming from "Georgia" (the one in conflict with Russia, not ours, here) to become "true Israelis" and start preaching to others about their suffering and troubles encountered during the building of this great country. Pay close attention to the last segment where everybody seems to agree on the main subject, but nobody is actually listening, or noticing anybody else; Could this be happening in Israel-no way!!!!! Here is the link: |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alp9scMfmjA&feature=related | |
It will be a fun session. We will dance to songs affiliated with many countries to celebrate our diversity. | |
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To show our love for the country of Israel and solidarity with its citizens, IsraeliDancesAtlanta, an extension of RikudAtlanta, danced in our session, among others, the following dances: Artzi, Nof Yaldut, Eretz Eretz, Eretz Israel Yafa, Nagni Kineret, Bapardes, Tishmeru al Atmechem, Machol Hashalom, Tevorchi Artzi, Be'har Hagilbo'a, and Rak Beyachad Nenatze'ach. We followed the lyrics of Tevorchi Artzi and danced Rak Beyachad Nenatze'ach twice after we talked, as a group, about the meaning of the song. Thanks to www.hebrewsongs.com for providing us with the English translations. This dance session was a meaningful teaching opportunity for our younger dancers, in particular, to connect with and to support Israel duing this difficult period. We found this experience very moving and it brought us closer together as a community. We wanted to share this idea with all of you. We feel that this illustrates the power of Rikudei Am to unite us. January 2009 This idea was generated from Israeli Dances Atlanta - an extension of RikudAtlanta To contact the group click here |
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New Guinness World Record for the largest dance by couples |
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Article: A Guide for Workshop Leaders: How to teach Israeli dancing in a professional manner to non-Hebrew speaking audiences. A must-read! |
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Buy online: Limited number - "Painting the Torah" by Victor Majzner Victor Majzner’s limited edition book "Painting the Torah" is an interpretation of the Torah from a purely Jewish perspective. The paintings reproduced in this book reflect all of the 54 Parashot (weekly sections) of the Torah. A historic and artistic first. Small number of signed copies available. Click here to view and buy |