Eliyahu Gamliel

Eliyahu Gamliel
Dances of Eliyahu Gamliel
Song words to dances of Eliyahu Gamliel
  About Eliyahu Gamliel
Passed in March 2013 z"l

Tribute to Eliyahu Gamliel from Ruthy Slann, March 2013

It was indeed a sad morning here in Israel, as we reflected on the loss of
Eliyahu Gamliel, who will always stay with us with his beautiful dances
and great memories.

Eliyahu knew every hill and valley in his beloved country, and was also an expert on its vegetation and flora. He loved to take people on long walks, and always had his flutes ready, playing authentic Israeli music while we rested.

We heard of his passing last night at Dany and Noga Benshalom's session.
Veteran choreographer Sedi (Se'adia Amishai) and his wife Maggie, were there as always, and told us the sad news which they received during the session.

Many of us felt sad, but Sedi said to me: "I just lost a brother...".

The two of them were best friends for many years. Dany announced the
sad news and we all danced some of Eliyahu's dances, in celebration of
his life.

May we all continue to keep his memory in our hearts and our dances.
Dances of Eliyahu Gamliel Hebrew Version
Photo of LP from the collection of Jack Steel

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